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The cheapest way to get the goods AND support your local WILLOWISP branch! For the low low price of $1 USD, you can become a Temporary Dependency, gaining access to surprises, shenanigans, check-ins from Stewart, and other secret sneak peeks. But beware: this discount role is only available for a limited time. Once the window closes, there's no telling when (or if!) it will be opened again, so take advantage while you can!
New recruit, you've got a lot to learn. They'll show you the basics, but there's SO MUCH you don't know-- and WON'T know. Not until you're older...
So, you're officially part of the team. Not out there kicking butt, though. You're secure here in headquarters at a computer screen typing away. Even still, it's safe to say the whole company would totally go down without you there doing what you do, right? And you get a cool chair, so that's a plus.
Out on the street, eavesdropping, performing pick-ups, wearing disguises... You know, all that awesome stuff. Nothing too big ...yet... but you're getting there.
Now, you're in the big leagues, sharpshooter. Traveling the world, making waves, jumping through windows, and walking towards the screen slow-mo style as a building explodes behind you. Don't forget your shades.
Highly trained, snazzy suit, sleek car... You're the best of the best, now. With quite a few notable missions under your belt, Someone Elsewood might just let you be his obligatory associate.
Did Someone just call you his partner? You may just be the most intelligent agent on the force with all that secretive inside knowledge of histories, mysteries, and-- Someone Elsewood's real name?!