Join the Agency
Review the tiers below and figure out which one is best for you. Subscriptions can be cancelled anytime.
Become an Agent Today

Temporary Dependency
0 members
$1.00 per month
- Surprises and Shenanigans
- Occasional Check-Ins from Stewart
- Personalized Badge/Crest (digital only)
- Top-Secret Discord Access

Introductory Intern
0 members
$3.00 per month
- Surprises and Shenanigans
- Occasional Check-Ins from Stewart
- Personalized Badge/Crest (digital only)
- Writer's Life Updates
- Early Release Story Excerpts
- In-Novel Thank-You Page Listing (generic)
- Top-Secret Discord Access

Base Operative
0 members
$10.00 per month
- Surprises and Shenanigans
- Occasional Check-Ins from Stewart
- Personalized Badge/Crest (digital only)
- Writer's Life Updates
- Early Release Story Excerpts
- In-Novel Thank-You Page Listing (generic)
- Full Chapter Preview
- Monthly Journal Reports (random, generic)
- Social Shares and Shoutouts (basic)
- Top-Secret Discord Access

Field Agent
0 members
$25.00 per month
- Surprises and Shenanigans
- Occasional Check-Ins from Stewart
- Personalized Badge/Crest (digital only)
- Writer's Life Updates
- Early Release Story Excerpts
- Full Chapter Preview
- Monthly Journal Reports (random, generic)
- Social Shares and Shoutouts (basic)
- Blurb in the Book (custom)
- Voter Influence (polls)
- Easter Egg Contributions
- In-Story Cameos (one-time extra)
- Behind the Scenes Content (First Drafts)
- Top-Secret Discord Access

Super Spy
0 members
$50.00 per month
- Surprises and Shenanigans
- Occasional Check-Ins from Stewart
- Writer's Life Updates
- Early Release Story Excerpts
- Full Chapter Preview
- Monthly Journal Reports (random, generic)
- Social Shares and Shoutouts (basic)
- Blurb in the Book (custom)
- Voter Influence (polls)
- Easter Egg Contributions
- In-Story Cameos (one-time extra)
- Audio Snippets
- Behind the Scenes Content (First Drafts, written deleted scenes)
- Ask Author (Almost) Anything
- Monthly Quote Calendar (digital)
- Monthly Surprise (free assorted digital goods, discounts for merch)
- Personalized Badge/Crest (digital, discount on tangible)
- Top-Secret Discord Access

Elite Espionage
0 members
$100.00 per month
- Surprises and Shenanigans
- Occasional Check-Ins from Stewart
- Writer's Life Updates
- Early Release Story Excerpts
- Full Chapter Preview
- Monthly Journal Reports (random, generic)
- Social Shares and Shoutouts (basic)
- Easter Egg Contributions
- Audio Snippets
- Monthly Surprise (free assorted digital goods, discounts for merch)
- Personalized Badge/Crest (digital, discount on tangible)
- Discounted eBook
- Behind the Scenes Content (First Drafts, written/audio bloopers and deleted scenes)
- Ask Author (Almost) Anything
- In-Novel Thank-You Page Listing (custom, emphasized)
- Monthly Journal Reports (choice perspective, personalized)
- Blurb in the Book (custom, emphasized)
- Social Shares and Shoutouts (intermediate)
- Voter Influence (all suggestions)
- In-Story Cameos (significant character)
- Monthly Quote Calendar (digital and tangible)
- Discounted Audiobook
- Discounted Signed Tangible Novel (Paperback or Hardcover)
- Alternate Ending Requests
- Top-Secret Discord Access

Ultimate Confidant
0 members
$500.00 per month
- Surprises and Shenanigans
- Occasional Check-Ins from Stewart
- Writer's Life Updates
- Early Release Story Excerpts
- Full Chapter Preview
- Easter Egg Contributions
- Audio Snippets
- Monthly Surprise (free assorted digital goods, discounts for merch)
- Behind the Scenes Content (First Drafts, written/audio bloopers and deleted scenes)
- Monthly Journal Reports (choice perspective, personalized)
- Voter Influence (all suggestions)
- Monthly Quote Calendar (digital and tangible)
- Alternate Ending Requests
- Blurb in the Book (custom, SUPER emphasized)
- Official Partner
- Free Signed Tangible Novel (Paperback or Hardcover)
- Social Shares and Shoutouts (EPIC)
- Monthly Roleplay Sessions
- Free eBook
- Personalized Badge/Crest (digital and tangible)
- In-Novel Thank-You Page Listing (custom, SUPER emphasized)
- In-Story Cameos (recurring character)
- Ask Author Absolutely Anything Anytime!
- Free Audiobook
- Wearable Merch
- Chats With Characters
- Top-Secret Discord Access
Gift membership
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